Intercom gets it
Intercom gets it.
As a leading customer support platform, they were one of the first companies to go all-in on their AI capabilities once chatGPT-like tools emerged.

Applying AI to your business
Applying AI to your business is sometimes best described using analogies. Let’s steal one analogy from the restaurant world.

The New Abundance
AI can feel like the future is suddenly here, and as we get to grips with it’s potential, it’s worth paying attention to the past.

The AI landscape feels vast.
Getting your head around it feels like thrashing, at the best of times. The tools, the capabilities of the various LLM’s, the unclear regulations, that FOMO that comes from what “the other company is doing”…it all adds up.

Upskill and integrate
A lot of people are on tenterhooks waiting for the news - will my job be replaced by an AI?

Talent is the unlock
What if talent, not AI, is the next big unlock in your businesses’s future?

Enhancing Work
Most people don't relish heading to the office every day but we tend to ascribe outsize meaning to our jobs.

January - April 2024 Collected Snippets and Thoughts
Collected thoughts, quotes and minutiae from my Internet travels

October - December 2023 Collected Snippets and Thoughts
Collected thoughts, quotes and minutiae from my Internet travels

Decisions, Once Removed
What if a simple way to make decisions was to take yourself out of the equation?

Words are a programming language.
Words are a programming language.
In the same way that we can program computers with programming languages, we can influence, and be influenced by mere words.

Your USP = knowledge of your customer.
Your USP = knowledge of your customer.
Here is a quick way to make sure you are really thinking about your customer, from their perspective, instead of the customer avatar in your head.

Your Music and People by Derek Sivers
Your Music and People by Derek Sivers is still one of the best marketing books I've read. If marketing is your thang, don't skip it.

Like to read business books?
Like to read business books?
Me too. A good business book can communicate powerful ideas distilled from real experience into swift takeaways and engaging stories that help deliver the message. (Of course, there are the “fluff” books…but that's for another post 😄 )

"Via negativa" - the study of what *not* to do.
"Via negativa" is the study of what *not* to do.
It can be really useful when talking to people who have "done it before" (which is the fastest and simplest way to help you figure things out). Since they lived it, they can still remember what it was like, what they tried, what failed, and what worked.
In the same way that one route to success is to stop doing unsuccessful things, the value in such a conversation might be in asking about mistakes, pitfalls etc (of which there are likely many), versus the things that worked out (of which there are probably few, and very specific to a time/place/situation).

Sales and customer development
What's the difference between sales and customer development?
Not a trick question. I've mixed these up in the past and approached a conversation with the wrong intent. More recently, I've had this conversation twice in the last week and a few things struck me that might help others get clarity or even reframe the type of conversation they are having.