Stuckness has a feeling

“Stuckness” operates across a spectrum of feeling.

There is ‘Small s’ stuck, where a situation has presented itself that needs a decision to be made. It’s whether to go with a Wordpress or Squarespace for your personal website, or whether this piece of copy will work, versus another one. You can almost feel that type of decision working it’s way around the front part of your brain. You might make a pro/con list, track down trusted reviews, ask a smart friend.

There are lots and lots of these ‘Small s’ decisions we make in our businesses, which are usually reversible. For most decisions, the decision content itself isn’t what will make a difference, it’s moving fast on actually making that decision. Speed of deciding trumps “right vs wrong” procrastination.

Then there is ‘Big S’ stuck, where things get really gnarly. Again, a decision need to be made but they are much more emotionally driven. An example might be choosing whether to pivot your business model entirely or not. This type of decision involves deep emotional investment, potential significant financial consequences, and long-term strategic impact on your business. It requires thorough consideration of market trends, customer needs, and your company’s core competencies, and can determine the future direction and success of your business.

Knowing which type of decision you are wrestling with is important, because the danger with being stuck is that you might stop altogether.

Being stuck only costs use time and energy. Understanding which flavour of stuck you are dealing with is a great first step to moving forwards.


I wrote “The Unstuck Book” to help business owners make better decisions as they build and sell. Drop me a line if you are stuck and need a no-strings chat about how to fix that.


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