Einstellung (Part 2)

Back in 2019, when the world was a different place, I wrote about the idea of Einstellung.

In essence, Einstellung describes how your initial thoughts or ideas you already have in mind, or a neural pattern you’ve already developed and strengthened, may prevent you from finding a better idea or solution.

It takes a great amount of work and insight to help break out of these patterns, something I have found coaching to be tremendously useful at doing in the past.

And yet, I think I always assumed that that change had to come from within, that it was usually a case to doing some type of inner work to finding and decide to change that pattern.

The recent events with the Coronavirus have proven that such change agents can come from external sources too, and in this case, with great strength and broad implications.

If this change is being forced upon us, what are the opportunities that this change opens up? How does a changing world change how you see the world and the work you do?


Pedestool (noun)


12 podcast episodes from 2019 worth listening to