Pedestool (noun)
Photo by Ron McClenny on Unsplash
pedestool (noun)
used in reference to a situation in which someone is greatly or uncritically admired, but is simultaneously approachable and humble.
They say beware of meeting your heroes, that you might be disappointed. You might find out that they are not, in fact, all that they seemed cracked up to be.
Yet I have to say that for the most part, meeting my heroes has only been a positive experience. I got to see in the flesh that person I once thought lived on a different plane of existence, who had all the answers to the thorniest problems, who had the wisdom that few possess, had the guts and the guile to forge a path forward in the change they wanted to create and to skilfully bring the others with them.
And it turns out that they are people just like me! Who knew! In my experience (and maybe I've been lucky), these moments of interaction have enabled me to take them from their supposed pedestal, and put them on what I call a “pedestool”. This is a place where we can sit side by side, human to human, and have a conversation filled with curiosity, generosity, and momentum.
I have a suspicion that that’s where they want to be too.