Woe is me!

Woe is me! The modern world is a large and awesome place. Its full of interesting places, people and things. The knowledge of the world is a mere click away. You can be anything you want, both in the "American Hope" sense, but also in a broader sense. Go forth and learn! Actually, don't just learn, do!Awesome, right?

It is awesome, until you feel so full of beans about doing something in the world, about using all those awesome skills that you get yourself all het up with potential energy. You're ready to burn, you are revved at the start line, ready for that green light. The fans are roaring, there is diesel in the air…except the green light doesn't come and your tyres start to wear down.

Hm. Not awesome.

Guess what, this post is therapy for me. I’m writing because I was/am here/there and while I feel like Im getting myself out I also feel like Im in it.

I want to help but I don't know how to pitch myself to those that need my brand of help.

Whats my brand of help? I like to think of it as helping people get unstuck?

More specific? Sorry, thats where I have the problem. I have done everything from software engineering, to festival creation, to writing to a hundred failed businesses involving brazil nuts, coffee cups and fashion trucks. I’ve travelled the world and I read a book a week. I work out, I meditate, I tell me wife I love her every day. I’m nice to dogs and cats. I do all the things I "should" be doing. Im educated to the hilt AND I have experience. I should be a prime candidate for being able to figure it out. But I can't. And I don't think Im alone.

Where does one start? StrengthsFinder? Friends? 4HWW? Finding my calling? All good but when it comes to settling and focusing and doing, it’s a different story. Maybe its FOMO? Choose one and miss out on others? In choosing none I miss out on all.


Great change can come from great woe's. My hope, and it is a hope, is that by listening out for the common threads, the things I like to do that Im good at and that the world needs, I’ll get it.

I will get it. This is just change. And change is good.


The Potter and the True Wheel


People are simple, the world is complex