People are simple, the world is complex

Owen Cutajar, in his post for Project 4 said that "people are simple, the world is complex" and that thought struck a chord in me.Buddha said "We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." and really thats the crux of the point. If something seems complex, its only because we make it so. We can choose to keep things simple and leave the complexity out in the world, thats up to us. Many of our problems arise from trying to control the world around us, an often futile attempt to instil an inner peace so we can achieve happiness. The happiness is already in us, not "out there" and recognising that and actually living as if it were true is an excellent path to living a good life.What have you done today to show yourself that you're in control of your own world?


Woe is me!


A cure for confirmation biases?