What does it mean to “Trust The Process”?
Photo by Tom van Hoogstraten on Unsplash
Seth Godin’s altMBA was one of the most formative parts of my lifelong education. The Workshop is a hell of a sprint. 30 days of full-on immersion through a body of work that’s simultaneously challenging, enlightening, and exhilarating. As a student, I was often head-down and rushing through the projects, wondering to myself “Is this right? Am I totally on the wrong track? Am I making a mess of this?”. What often kept me going was one of it (and Seth’s) timeless mantra’s - Trust The Process.
I lost track of how many times I said it to myself to bolster myself through the hard parts. I know I also said it to help bolster the confidence of those around me at times. We said it to each other, maybe not fully understanding how it was meant to help, but needing something to get us through. We had each other yes, and we also had the Process.
When I went on to coach altMBA, and I got a birds-eye view of the Workshop and Trusting The Process made even more sense. It’s meaning evolved for me as I watched countless students engage with the work before them, stretching, learning, and connecting.
To me the Process is a bridge. Its the bridge between the place you are now, and the place you want to be. It’s a bridge that only becomes visible when we show true humility. It shows itself when we feel that, in this moment, we are a beginner at this particular task and might tell ourselves that we can’t do it. The Process is the antidote to the story we tell ourselves that might stop us in our tracks. In Trusting The Process, we can be confident that if we step onto the bridge, our weight will be held, and we can even take the step after that. Small steps get us where we need to go.
Every time I sit down to write, I get a familiar feeling of being bad at writing. I don’t think I’ll be able to do it. But I put my trust in the writing Process because it’s my bridge. I step onto the page and keep typing because I am confident that the Process will take me somewhere.
The Process works everywhere. It’s not a glamorous system with lots of bells and whistles and a step-by-step guidebook, but in a world with few maps, the Process is often the best way to move forward.
As we enter the last quarter of this most-strange year called 2020, I'm launching a new coaching program for those looking to sprint right to the end. And obviously, the easiest way to sprint is by putting one foot in front of the other. Details of the program are here.
Let's figure out and take the steps to get you where you need to go.