Knowing vs Not knowing
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash
"I know that I know nothing" - Socrates
The above quote is known as the Socratic Paradox. Plato himself used to say that he would much prefer to not know and discover new knowledge than to have previous knowledge confirmed. That's how we learn.
While I want my accountant or my GP to know the specific detail of their practices, as leaders in an ever-changing world often the fixed mindset of Knowing can hurt us. Feeling like you Know all the facts and have the expertise on an issue can translate into your behaviour's and attitudes, and can often stand in the way of being constantly creative and innovative.
‘Not Knowing’, on the other hand, indicates a growth mindset. When you temporarily set aside your knowledge and experience, and suspend your certainty of there being a perfect solution, it can lead to places you never thought possible. If we replace this ego-centered desire to Know with an intention to Learn, we can only expand on what we know.
It’s ok to say “I don’t know” if you follow it with …”and I’m willing to learn”.