Everyday excellence vs the one-hit wonder
Photo by Gentrit Sylejmani on Unsplash
The Olympics lies to us.
When we hear the commentator say “This has been a record-breaking performance and a personal best for this athlete” we often mistakenly think that this the first time they have run that sprint, swam that fast or nailed that floor routine.
It most likely isn’t.
Performing at the highest level, being a true professional, means that you have to give your personal best every day. That record-breaking sprint was probably something you did already, just not in front of the cameras, not for an audience. Sure, the nerves probably add an extra burst of energy, but being a professional means that you don’t always need that audience to do excellent work. The option to work that hard comes from inside, not from the applause.
The choice to do your personal best is available to you every single day, audience or not. If we wait for that one moment to really excel, chances are we won't really be ready to give our best performance.