An excuse is a half-story
In Gaelic, the word for excuse is "leithscéal" (pronounced leh-shcale). It also means an apology.
However the interesting thing about the word leithscéal is that it comes from 2 words, "leath" (meaning "half") and "scéal" (meaning "story"). An excuse is a half-story.
This makes perfect sense. We have all been there, either on the giving end or the receiving end of an excuse. We know we telling a half-story when the words of an excuse are coming out of our mouths, in the same way we can all hear the strained story that constitutes an excuse we are being told.
Story is powerful and when used well, story can change people, can create culture, can create and sustain meaning.
Lets make sure we don't tell half-stories when its our job to always create real meaning.